Tours for Teachers, After Hours

Recognizing the pivotal role teachers play in shaping young minds, the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce Foundation has been offering Tours for Teachers, where educators may experience various industries and community organizations. These immersive experiences are designed to enrich educators' knowledge, foster professional development, and inspire innovative teaching practices.

Programs like Tours for Teachers wouldn’t be made possible without the generous support of our sponsors which include SRP, APS, Banner Gateway Medical Center, and John’s Heating, Cooling, and Plumbing. Also, without the incredible gifts from our Foundation donors this program wouldn’t happen. Donors include: Town of Gilbert, SRP, Banner Gateway Medical Center, Rayhons Financial / Cetera Advisor Networks, Karin Gadberry, and Literally A Bookshop

Tours for Teachers offer educators the chance to step out of the classroom and into the vibrant tapestry of their community. These tours are crafted to provide insights into various industries, businesses, cultural landmarks, and historical sites. From visiting cutting-edge technology companies to exploring art galleries and museums, each tour is a journey of discovery. What follows are both benefits to teachers and students through teachers’ participation in the Tours for Teachers program.

Benefits for Teachers:

1. Professional Development: Tours for Teachers serve as invaluable professional development opportunities, allowing educators to gain firsthand knowledge about different industries and sectors. This experiential learning enhances their teaching strategies and curriculum development, ultimately benefiting their students.

2. Networking Opportunities: By participating in these tours, teachers have the chance to network with local business leaders, professionals, and community members. These connections can lead to potential collaborations, guest speakers for the classroom, or even internship opportunities for students.

3. Cross-Curricular Integration: The diverse nature of the tours enables teachers to witness the interconnectedness of various subjects. They can incorporate real-world examples and case studies into their lessons, fostering interdisciplinary learning and a deeper understanding of concepts.

4. Inspiration and Motivation: Experiencing the dynamic landscape of their community can reignite teachers' passion for education. Witnessing innovation, creativity, and cultural richness can inspire them to infuse their teaching with newfound enthusiasm and creativity.
Benefits for Students:

1. Enriched Learning Experiences: As teachers integrate their tour experiences into their curriculum, students benefit from enriched learning experiences that go beyond textbooks. They gain a deeper understanding of real-world applications and the relevance of their studies.

2. Career Exploration: Exposure to various industries and businesses during the tours exposes students to a wide array of career possibilities. This early exposure can help them make informed decisions about their future career paths and aspirations.

3. Community Engagement: Tours for Teachers foster a strong sense of community engagement among educators who can impart to their students an appreciation for the local culture, history, and economic landscape, instilling a sense of pride and responsibility towards their community.

4. Lifelong Learning Mindset: By witnessing their teachers' commitment to continuous learning and exploration, students are encouraged to adopt a lifelong learning mindset. They understand that education extends beyond the confines of the classroom and that learning opportunities are abundant in the world around them.

The Gilbert Chamber of Commerce Foundation has unveiled a new twist on Tours for Teachers, adding After Hours tours; falling after the school day’s activities. The first set of After Hours tours were held this past March. One After Hours tour was held at CRAS, the Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences, Gilbert campus. CRAS is a premiere audio engineering and music production school. It offers incredible resources for students wanting careers in the recording arts industry. Our educators who toured the campus saw firsthand the excellence with which CRAS provides opportunities to their students. Touring a world class facility with former students and observing current students and talking with current faculty, educators were exposed to a valuable resource right here in Gilbert, Arizona.

The second After Hours tour was related to the health and medical fields. Educators toured the Arizona Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Center and the University of Arizona Nursing Program, Gilbert campus.
The Arizona Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care Center was a fascinating tour where educators got an insider’s look into surgical units, high tech medical scanners, various specialty departments, and more. The operation is massive with several types of care offered in the facility.

The University of Arizona Nursing, Gilbert campus tour offered educators a sneak peek into the elaborate and extensive tools for nurses’ training available in the program. The thought and deliberation that went into the development of the program is impressive and educators were amazed with the facility and the faculty, who also made time to answer questions for us.

Tours for Teachers, offered by the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce, are more than just field trips; they are transformative experiences that empower educators and enrich the learning journey for students. By bridging the gap between the classroom and the community, these tours foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and lifelong learning. As we continue to invest in the professional growth of our educators, we pave the way for a brighter future for generations to come.