Foundation Committees

Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Gilbert Chamber! When you serve on a committee, you can expect to help shape the leaders and workforce of tomorrow. Our committees help to support the important programs of the Gilbert Chamber Foundation.

Business & Education Committee

Purpose: Serves to identify and support opportunities for students to gain workforce experience, opportunities for educators to prepare students for the workforce, and opportunities for industry professionals to serve as a resource to the education community, including classroom speaking/demonstrations, curriculum advisement and more. This is a working committee. Members of this committee should expect to receive specific roles, duties, and assignments.

Term: Ongoing. Members must meet minimum meeting attendance requirements.

Meetings: Meetings are typically held the third Monday of each month at 3:45 p.m.

24-25 Chair: Doug Daley, Gilbert Public Schools

Gilbert Leadership Board

Purpose: Serves to maintain and further develop the Gilbert Leadership program, including the selection of class members and management of the program's budget. Members of this Board must be graduates of the program and must be appointed to the position. A financial contribution of $100 is required each year.

Terms: Three years; eligible for one consecutive renewal of three years.

Meetings: Meetings are typically held the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.

24-25 Chair: Kristen Drew, Town of Gilbert

Veterans Business Council

Purpose: The mission of Veterans Business Council is to support the goals of the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce and the Gilbert Chamber of Commerce Foundation by developing programs and events which serve to connect and grow veteran professionals and veteran-owned businesses.

Terms: Committee members will serve a term of one year beginning July 1st through June 30th; except for Officers, members must reapply to serve on the Committee each year. No more than 15 Committee Members will serve during a fiscal year.

Meetings: The Committee meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 11:30 AM.

24-25 Chair: Chris Woodard, Woodard Construction

Programs of the Gilbert Chamber Foundation are made possible by:

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